Tahoma SAGA
Sexuality And Gender Acceptance
Tahoma SAGA Sexuality And Gender Acceptance


What does SAGA mean?

SAGA stands for Sexuality And Gender Acceptance

What is the goal of SAGA?

To provide awareness, helpful resources, and provide a safe space for all students at Tahoma High School.

What do we do during each meeting?

During meetings, we spend time both getting to know each other and hanging out, planning projects, activities, and working towards rights for LGBTQ+ youth in schools.

What are some examples of the projects we are doing?

We are working towards things such as making name change process simpler and easier to follow, getting non-gender specific graduation gowns, and increasing general awareness of gender, sexual, and romantic orientations.

How do we provide support?

We provide a safe, inclusive place for teens outside of home or school where they won’t be judged for their gender, sexual, or romantic orientation.

Who do we accept?

Everyone! All students regardless of gender, sexual, or romantic orientation are welcome.

When is it?

SAGA takes place in room 109 on Mondays (B LUNCH of Power Hour).